Data analytics and prediction based solutions for agriculture
With the rapid development of technology, we can use modern ways to optimize our agriculture. Using machine learning and artificial intelligence we can develop predictions based solutions for agricultural needs.
Following are some of our giants in the tech fields implementations
Each business using big data analytics to process a large amount of data generated in every second and analyzing those data points can make those businesses to have very massive results.
How data analytics can transform agriculture?

Enhancing planting with technology can be focused in several key areas.
- Understanding the weather patterns
- Seed Technology
- Crop forecasting before start planting
- Diseases identification and predictions
- Automation and maintenance
- Market price analysis
Understanding the weather patterns
Big data analysis can provide accurate weather forecasts for the farmers before starting the planting. These data can provide information about the starting dates per each crop according to the farmer’s location. Factors which needed to consider are humidity, temperature, soil moisture content rain falling information wind speed and sunshine etc.
Seed Technology
Selecting good seeds for cultivation is very important part there are many advanced technologies and laboratory analysis are being tested on this area.
The seed is the key factor which can produce poor harvests rich harvests. So understanding previous gathered data about plant life cycles with related to the location and environmental condition this can provide valuable information about the weather conditions which seeds are performing well in the soil culture.
Crop scheduling before start planting
Choosing which a number of crops for that season can be a very useful factor to the farmers if they can measure before planting. Then they can come to a conclusion about the results before planting which will help to save additional spaces and seeds which can do another type of crop. This also can be obtained using big data analytics.
And also plant requirements eg – fertilizer, water depending on sensors or using big data analytics.
Diseases identification and predictions
After crop life cycles started the biggest problem which farmers are facing is the pest infestations and plant diseases. This will because of the crop results decrements. Using past data about crops farmers can know these things before starting the crop and they can apply the necessary precautions before the problem coming.
The most important thing is identifying the pest and disease at the right time before economic loss where has the enough to control them
Automation and maintenance
In agriculture, most effective results can be obtained using data analysis. For this, we should have data acquiring equipment s in our planting area. And also automating the whole process will be lot more time saving plus accuracy for the farmers in their life.
There are many sensors and actuators in the market which can be used to collect data and add automation for the cultivation. These industrial sensors and actuators will add advantage to the whole process with accuracy.
Market price analysis
Commercial level cultivation can be optimized if we can analyze the market and what the market needs. This is also can be achieved using big data analytics which can bring farmer the numbers of information about what is needed and in which amount it is needed and by when this crop will be needed and market price levels in the periods.
These factors are essential to modern agriculture and to the farmer to make cultivation productive. Here in leafylanka, we provide solutions which can provide this requirement.
Above are the key areas which can enrich agriculture. By all of those factors, farmers can have unprecedented visibility about the future.
Following are some of innovations we have in agriculture.